Age Verification Pro


Add an easy to customize age verification pop up to your website



This is an extension for the Age Verification WordPress plugin.

Building off of the free version of this plugin, Age Verification Pro adds multiple new ways to customize your age verification pop up, before allowing visitors to access your website content.

click to enlarge

Set amount of days cookie is saved

The first customizer setting you’ll notice in the Age Verification Pro plugin lets you set the amount of days that the cookie saves to your visitors computer – default, 30.

Turn off cookies while updating your pop up

Need to test style changes and don’t want the cookie saved when you click the YES/NO buttons?

All you have to do is check the box in the customizer and the cookies will be turned off while you’re making text and style customizations to your age verification pop up.

Customize Success & Failure messages

When a user clicks either the YES or NO button, a message will display in the pop up – Success or Failure.

The Age Verification Pro plugin adds input fields to the customizer settings letting you change both the title and message text for the Success and Failure messages.

Change page & pop up background colors

Customize your age verification pop up even further by changing the background color for the page and the pop up.

Now, instead of just having a white background for the pop up, on a dark background page, you can style the pop up screen to better match your website branding.

Customize button background & text colors

Even more color customizations have been added to the Age Verification Pro plugin, letting you easily change the background color and text color for the “NO” and “YES” buttons.

Customize pop up title & message colors

Still increasing your ability to style your age verification pop up to match your website branding, we’ve included customizer settings to change the title and message colors.


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